Remote Hands

Colt DCS offers remote hands and other support services

London, England, 21 Jan 2019

Remote hands that support enterprises

Enterprises may decide to outsource IT operations as a cost-cutting measure, quickly add capacity, shift the responsibility of data centre operations to a third party among other reasons.

One advantage to choosing the colocation route when the decision to outsource has been made is the option to select support services such as remote management. Enterprises need management and reporting services to minimise downtime for example.

Such services can be attractive to enterprises that want cost-effective alternatives to in-house support, yet maintain a degree of control over their configuration with the help of valuable in-house staff. The upkeep and maintenance of servers can potentially be assigned to colocation data centres like Colt DCS.

Smaller organisations that are looking to move their equipment from server closets into a colocation data centre for instance sometimes take advantage of said services if there’s a need to interact less with the infrastructure in person.

Colt DCS’s offer a range of support services that enable you to get on with running your business. We provide several professional services to manage your environment and flexible options, with office space, Internet access, conference facilities and AV equipment.

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