Real Estate and Land Banking

Green fields with solar panels

Meeting current and future demand

Our real estate team take a strategic approach when identifying the future needs of our customers’ requirements. This ensures that sites are identified and developed where our customers anticipate future demand. The time it takes to find available real estate, go through the legal process of procuring that land, establishing the required planning permissions and power contracts and then developing the data centre can be 3 years or more.  Therefore, at Colt DCS, we are always looking for suitable land parcels 7-10 years in advance to ensure we can meet the future requirement of our customers.

Agile and customer-focused

When developing a new site, we always consider the environment in which we operate, and the impact our facilities will have on the local community. We endeavour to ensure that we are building meaningful relationships with local businesses, educational institutions, and associated supply chains while keeping any environmental impact to a minimum. Our measurable sustainability targets ensure that we keep this in mind at every step of the journey. Click here to read more about our sustainability initiatives.

Delivered to industry standard

To ensure our data centres are built to the highest industry standards, our team will strive to ensure that each facility is ISO accredited.

Currently, all our data centres under construction which have completed the first phase of development and all of our completed data centres are ISO45001 (occupational health and safety management systems), ISO27001 (information security management), and ISO 14001 (environmental management system) certified. Several are also licensed in line with additional industry standards including SOC2 Type II and ISAE 3402. 

Richard Wellbrock

"In today's digital world, cloud and AI service providers are rapidly expanding to achieve strategic growth. As a hyperscale data centre provider, we align with our customers' international growth strategies to deliver state-of-the-art facilities quickly and efficiently. At Colt DCS, we have over 25 years of experience and the right resources to meet our customers' future demands."

Richard Wellbrock, Chief Commercial Officer.

Interested in learning more about our data centres?

We operate 16 state-of-the-art data centres across 8 cities in Europe and Asia Pacific, offering 24/7 security and unrivalled customer support.
See our data centres
Colt London 4 Data Centre

London 4

Built to meet the city’s growing appetite for cloud technology and the recent surge in AI demand, this data centre is currently under construction.

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Colt Mumbai Data Centre


Built to support India’s mass cloud migration, and in its second phase of development, our data centre will deliver 134MW across a site area of 62,490m2.

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Colt Inzai 4 Data Centre

Tokyo Inzai 4

Developed to meet the city’s technological advancement, this site will deliver 20MW of IT power with scalable capacity to support IT workloads.

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