Supporting our suppliers
We rely on a wide network of suppliers to support the delivery of our data centres to our customers and we pride ourselves on the engagement with our suppliers. We seek out partners who share our values and we build relationships where we can add value to each other’s businesses.
Our aim is to build long-term relationships with our suppliers and support their journey in sustainability. We integrate sustainability criteria in the selection (through our Vendor Risk Management system and our Request For Proposal Scoring), contract management, onboarding and ongoing management of our suppliers.
Our Supplier Code of Business Conduct and our Sustainable Procurement Policy set out the standards of corporate governance and sustainability that we expect from our suppliers.
We run a dedicated supplier programme covering a wide ESG agenda with a special focus on our top suppliers in terms of emissions. To achieve our Scope 3 target, we have committed that 93% of our suppliers by emissions (covering purchased goods and services and capital goods) will have Scope 1 and 2 science-based targets approved by Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) by 2025. At Colt DCS, our top 60 suppliers are responsible for 93% of our supplier emissions.
Thriving communities
Our goal is to manage our actions and operations responsibly to minimise negative social and environmental impacts, while maintaining a constructive dialogue with communities.
We are committed to supporting the local communities where we operate. We encourage employee engagement with charities and local community initiatives and we value the dual impact of supporting a good cause and enabling employees to connect with communities, outside the office environment. In many countries, we have selected a local partner charity and an employee-led CSR team which identifies initiatives focused on fundraising and giving volunteering time/skills.