COVID-19 Update

Colt DCS is continuing to carefully monitor the COVID-19 situation

London, UK, 02 Mar 2021


We would like to remind customers that current Covid 19 measure procedures are still in place on site. These will remain unchanged and will be in place until further notice.


As a reminder

  • If anyone is displaying Covid 19 symptoms or has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, they should not request access, or attempt to visit our site. The individual should be following relevant local and government guidelines.
  • Please encourage visitors to site to make use of Track and Trace applications/QR codes respective to the site and local recommendations.
  • Self-checking of temperature at site is required. Everyone accessing site will be asked to do this at the building entrance. If the temperature threshold (37.5) is exceeded then the visitor will be asked to re-test and, if exceeded twice, will not be authorised to access the site.
  • Social distancing should be adhered to at all times and in line with government recommendations.
  • Masks/Face coverings are mandatory in all shared spaces. If an individual is seen not wearing a covering they will be asked politely to rectify this immediately. Should there be any repeat behaviour or disregard of this rule this will be escalated within the customer organisation.
  • Anti-bacterial Hand Gel remains available at all sites and we encourage frequent hand washing as per guidelines.
  • Refreshment facilities are restricted or closed so please ensure visitors are aware and make alternative arrangement.

All mitigations remain in place to safeguard all visitors to site however, ultimately it remains the responsibility of our customers to ensure that their employees and sub-contractors operate in a Covid-Secure manner and comply with the measures.

By continuing to work collaboratively and adhering to local governmental guidelines, we will be able to operate our data centres in the safest way possible allowing us all to continue to serve our end customers with a seamless delivery experience.

If you do have any questions or concerns then please reach out to your respective Account or Service & Contract Manager.


Where can customers find updates about the COVID-19 measures and the status of the Data Centres?
What is the escalation path for COVID-19 related issues and concerns?
Do you stay compliant with the procedures and processes in the Operations Manual?
Is there special number or email address for COVID-19 related questions?
Where can I find the Operations Manual?
What is the general policy on working rules for employees and operational teams?


Does Colt Data Centre Services have a Pandemic Plan that can be shared with customers?
Does Colt Data Centre Services have a crisis management plan?
Has Colt Data Centre Services initiated a crisis management committee for COVID-19?
What happens in the event of an incident?
Do you have Emergency Operating procedures (EOPs) in place at each site?


As a customer, do I have a duty to advise if one of my team who has been on a Data Centre site has symptoms or is a confirmed COVID-19 case?
In the event of a suspected or confirmed case at site what is the plan to mitigate further infection?
Is there any likelihood that Colt Data Centre Services has to close an entire Data Centre after a confirmed case?
What health declarations does Colt Data Centre Services require?


Does Colt Data Centre Services define conditions to allow engineers on site for performing critical tasks?
Are there any restrictions to moving around site?
Can an engineer bring their own food and drinks into data halls?
Is there any indication of enforcement of restricted visits to your DC facilities, yet?
What happens with confirmed cases?
What do I need to do if I need to get onto site urgently for critical work?


Does Colt Data Centre Services provide extra cleaning of the Data Centre site?
Does Colt Data Centre Services provide hand sanitiser?
Does Colt Data Centre Services have masks on site that can be used by customers?
Will Colt Data Centre Services start taking temperatures of visitors?
Will Colt Data Centre Services replace hand dryers with paper towels?
Will Colt Data Centre Services disinfect rack keys and visitor cards when returned?


Does Colt Data Centre Services keep the delivery process active?
What will happen to my delivery if I cannot collect?


Are maintenance activities completed following PPM (preventive maintenance plan)?
How do you plan resources in potential reduced or isolated staff scenarios?
Can you maintain a fuel supply for all the Colt Data Centres?
Does Colt Data Centre Services anticipate any delay or issues with supply of critical parts?


Does the Remote Hands Service remain operational?
Does Colt Data Centre Services have enough capacity to maintain the Remote Hands Services?


Can we still use our dedicated office area on Colt Data Centre Services premises?


Do you have staff living near the Data Centre who can access the site if the area is restricted?

Talk to us

If you would like one of our data centre specialists to get in touch to discuss your requirements, please complete and submit this form*.

*By submitting your details, you agree to our T&Cs.

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