データセンターLondon, England, 30 Jul 2019
Colocation services partnership benefits
An introduction by Graham Munro
There are many reasons why MSPs and cloud providers should partner with a colocation services provider, such as Colt DCS.
Our sales manager, Graham Munro, outlines the values that Colt DCS provides our partners, in our short video introduction.
Benefits that Graham discusses include:
- Ease of partnering
- Marketing support
- Commercial and financial stability
- Carrier neutral connectivity to cloud
We also have produced a white paper which is available to download, that cover's important tips, valuable recommendations as well as outlining why Colt DCS is the right colocation partner for you.
当社のセールスマネージャーGraham Munro(グラハム・ムンロー)が、マネージドサービスプロバイダーがコロケーションパートナーを選ぶ際のポイントについて簡単にご説明します。
- 提携する理由
- 戦略考察
- 目標の相互補完
- ビジネスリソース
- 技術リソース
- 企業資源
- Colt DCS との提携概要